In this Proveway UpTrack review, an all in one protection app, we discover why your dropshipping business needs an app like that to avoid Paypal holding your funds.

Why this Proveway Uptrack review for Shopify?
Have you ever lost a PayPal account because of too many chargebacks or by missing vital tracking information? It can become a nightmare if all the sudden Paypal hold up thousands of dollar$ not knowing when it will release them. This already happened to many Shopify dropshippers.
What is Proveway Uptrack?
Is the first all-in-one PayPal protection app that automatically seeks your customers tracking numbers so you never have to worry about chargebacks or getting penalized by paypal and best of all up track does this completely on autopilot so you can focus on scaling and keeping your money.
How does Proveway Uptrack work?
It Sync over 500,000 tracking numbers a month at a ridiculously affordable rate cheaper than any service out there so whether you’re using Shopify over Dropified to fulfill your orders UpTrack is the easiest plug-and-play solution to PayPal tracking automation and more happy customers.
Paypal Uptrack support and integrate with: Intercart, Carhook, Zipify
Final thoughts: the pricing offering is quite convenient and flexible when you think usually other apps will charge you by tracking sync. The connection to Paypal account is straight forward and easy to read dashboard too. All automated or customized tracking. Start your trial now.