Apps And Tools

Nr. 1 Shopify funnel builder: app funnelbuildr review

Read my Funnelbuildr review and discover how finding the nr.1 Shopify funnel app is very difficult. Building High converting sales funnel can be very frustrating and time-consuming. But it can be a very rewarding experience worth trying, instead of relying on Shopify product pages alone.

What is FunnelBuildr?

Funnel Buildr is a visual page builder built-in from inside Shopify (very useful indeed) and can handle different payment systems without using Shopify (Your own Stripe, Paypal and other) The process of building sales funnels is amazingly easy if you follow their instructions and faqs inside the member area.

How much is FunnelBuildr 2.0?

Currently, they offer a free Plan install and use up to 49 transactions per month quite good if you are testing and want to take your time to familiarize yourself with it. After 49 it will be $27; That Is the lowest tag price I’ve seen in the industry so far. There is no charge on Sales whatsoever (Zipify?). You can have multiple Shopify install inside your membership (3 x) depending on the nr. of monthly processed orders. Other fixed plans are available and they are flexible and again no additional fees on sales.

What are Funnelbuildr main features?

With Funnelbuildr you can build high-performing opt-in pages, landing pages, upsell and downsell pages, and custom checkout pages you need:

  • One-click Upsells to increase AOV;
  • Custom One Page Checkout;
  • Pre-checkout Upsells;
  • Checkout Order Bumps;
  • Drag and drop page builder;
  • Full Analytics and Split testing/ copy/duplicate;
  • Individual Facebook Pixel or other (Google ads) install;

Think about “Free + Shipping” offers, landing pages, lead magnets, long-form sales pages, custom review collection pages, “Teespring-style” individual product pages, custom checkout pages, upsell pages, downsell pages..

GET free access to Funnelbuildr

What merchants do Funnelbuildr support?

When using a funnel builder you will skip Shopify Payments (and save their fees too), with Funnelbuildr you can use the following payment processor and switch any time you want: Stripe, Authorize.Net, Paypal, Bluesnap, and NMI.

What Integrations Funnelbuildr has?

Funnelbuildr has Aweber, Mailchimp, Drip, and Klaviyo integrations built-in for your abandoned carts and email sequence. It also has the ability to insert any HTML/javascript code at each stage of the funnel, ie Facebook pixel, Google analytics and so on…

Final verdict Funnelbuildr 3.0

Since testing it, it seems they have had serious issues with server uptimes, customer support, development as results no updates have been done for a while now (DEC2019). Hopefully, with the new change in ownership (Shoptimized theme owner by Bradley Long ) that will change soon, Funnelbuidr 3.0 where are you? ….. we don t know much about their roadmap.

The video training and the FB group have enough material to start building your funnels however those content may be better organized.

It seems their pricing will be changing once the 3.0 will be released, therefore I highly suggest to join today before that will happen so you will keep the current ones forever.

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  • Price
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Integrations

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