Sell the trend review: Picking winning products for dropshipping can be a daunting game: either manual or automated there is always the risk of being overwhelmed by the selection of the abundant alternative available. How about the reliability of the provided data: how data is collected and how seamless valid is to make an informed decision?
What is Sell The Trend?
What Will I Learn in this page?
When analyzing the market It ’s crucial to rely on a robust method/tool that gives us a step ahead of the competition: following trends while stalking stores and advertising ads ( both Facebook vs Pinterest vs Amazon) seems to be the most successful nowadays.
And that’s what Sell The Trend is all about: providing you with valuable data to make dropshipping a success.
Is Sell The Trend a 9-in-1dropshipping tool?
This amazing tool is primarily for professional owner store despite its price tag tell us the opposite. Not necessarily Shopify dropshipping though, Amazon Fba is fully covered. Read thru this SellTheTrend review to find out more.

The Nexus Explorer area contains Product and Stores Discover divided into subcategories as follow:

Hot Products: the best products available on the platform you can order by Nexus Rank;
Trending Products: just added products who have shown consistent performance since the very beginning;
On the rise: product with increase in demand with high potential;
New Products: products added last week, still collecting more data;
All Products: cross referencing trending products that are being sold across theirs sections (ali express, Amazon, shopify and Facebook)
The other subsection will be able to list Winning Store and Hot stores that you can bookmark as above.
The Holy grain of Winning Product discovery.
Their proprietary Nexus product ranking AI algorithm uncover money making products every time you refresh the page so no many drop shippers aiming at same item…
Filters are available, you can order by Total Orders, Found date or by Last added Date. The ‘filter Products’ includes by Product Type (General, Dropshipping, General, Fashion)
Other filter includes the Search button, by a keyword, or by Categories and niches (here is a full list of niches)
Air conditioner Android Baby feeding Backpack Bathroom Accessories Beach Beard Accessories Beauty Bodybuilding Bracelet Buddhism Butterfly Camping Cars Cats Christianity Christmas Cleaning Coffee Cooking Couples Cycling DIY & Lifehacks Dogs Drawing Fishing Fitness Fitness Tracker Gaming Gardening Golf Gothic fashion Guitar Hair Products Halloween Heating Hiking" Home decor Humidifier Hunting Iphone Iphone screen protector Jewelry Kids Toys Kitchen Lamp (household item) Luxury Watches Massage Men's Fashion Motorcycle Music Nails Natural health Necklace Novelty Painting Phone Accessories Phone cable Robot Cleaner Scarf School Bag Skin Care Smart Watch Storage (holders, containers) Tactical Tea Teeth Whitening Travel Watches" Water Bottles" Weight Loss Whiskey" Wine Women Sunglasses Women Wallet Womens Bags
Each listing has a full extensive info card that contains a lot of valuable data: the amount of Shopify store selling a particular item, a recent Timemachine will help to figure out sale across a timeframe! [Time machine], Number of Orders, Product Cost, Selling price, Profit Margin and $ in Sales. The Nexus Product Research View will blow your mind!

A heart logo will add Product or Store to your favorites in order to retrieve them at a later stage.
At the very bottom of the info card, You can check Shopify Store selling the item, Aliexpress page of the supplier, Amazon product page and Facebook search result…The Facebook button will list all ads but actually showing search results not the ads.
Aliexpress Explorer

Products who are making a big move are listed here. Hidden gems are products that do not yet have a lot of sales, but have other good metrics. Hot products are ones that are selling well currently.
New stars are products that have just been added to the system and are showing good metrics as well.
You can filter by Product Price, Orders, and Video Available. Sorting by Products by Orders, Daily or All Time change since last time the site was crawled. A daily Trend and Overall score are provided since they started tracking the product. As usual, each listing is provided with a NEXUS Product Research page.
Sell The Trend: Amazon Explorer

Products who are ranking well on Amazon and find the supplier on Aliexpress. New Stars are those newly added products and showing promising signs of turning into winners..Hot Products are those that have seen huge increase since the very beginning..
New Gems are relatively New but have potential, so worth keeping an eye..Same kind of Filters apply (Categories and daily Trends and Overall are available., including Amazon ranking but don’t expect BSR ranking in real time)
Sell The TREND : SHOPIFY Explorer

Product explorer
Collections of 1000’s of products within specific niches that are selling on shopify store right now. It s updated on daily basis.
There are hundred of thousand of products make sure you filter by categories or perform a search for best results

Store Explorer similar to product one above, but with more feature like the Add to favorites. By adding that you will receive an alert every time store add new items. Store are showed with their top 5 sellers.
Does Sell The Trend track Facebook ads?

Facebook Tab
Here you ll find ads currently running in Facebook both video and photo are available. Multiple real trend data at your disposal.
Facebook trackable ads
List of ads with a load of views and clicks can be traced by clicking the link how nice!

Audience builder: gives you popular Audiences to use inside Facebook ads with a whole list of audience ready to copy and paste..
Video creator: the best ever, just provide a Store link and it will grab all the images you can select later and build up your video! Loads of features included like order of appearance, adding Text in any position, add music, frame rate…
Engagement rating calculator: a quick and useful calculator to rate a instagram page/ twitter, good for checking up influencers.
Discovery Machine: a toy with a spin button, it will randomly select products for you, let s have some fun…
Sell The Trend vs EcomHunt
Of course, use the Filters available inside…Anyhow, I am giving a high score since the tool is well worth the price for what’s on offer, definitively much cheaper than other overrated. The GUI is really good, speed is too, all read very well and easy to use you won’t need their well-done video tutorial. The Tools provided are the ice on the cake, very useful and effective vs EcomHunt.
Sell The Trend vs Pexgle
The amount of data points provided is amazing, however, the issue is that you may be overwhelmed by such amount ( do you remember Intelligynce) you may end up in taking the wrong decision. Instead of facilitating the choice, this kind of tool may complicate your daily task, in reality, I wish to have fewer pinpoints to make a decision, vs Pexgle review.
Sell The Trend review: final thoughts
Updates are regular with new features added time by time. Their help support is 1st class, offered in both live chat or video tutorial plus an Academy series (priceless, how to set up an eCommerce business plus)don’t miss this out before it becomes overcrowded!
Forgot to mention, Sell The trend comes with a chrome extension to help loading products onto your store and fulfill orders from Aliexpress.
Final Score: Sell The trend Review:
SellThetrend Review | |
Price Point | |
User GUI | |
Learning Curve | |
Training/Customer support | |
9 in one Tool | |
Value For Money | |